Going to university is an investment, so it's important to understand the financial support that is available. From tuition fees to bursaries, find out everything you need to plan your finances.
For new students joining our undergraduate programmes in the academic cycle 2024/25, fees for our BA(Hons), FdA and Top Up degrees for UK students are £9,000 per year.
For new students joining our postgraduate programmes in the academic cycle 2024/25, fees for our MA and MSc degrees for UK students are £11,000 per year. The fees for part-time postgraduate programmes are £5,500 per year over two years.
Please note, we cannot currently accept applications from EU and international students.
The fees outlined here are correct at the time of publishing and provide an indication of current costs. If you’d like to find out more information, get in touch at student.support@academyoflivetechnology.co.uk
Student Loans
Eligible full-time UK students can apply for Tuition Fee Loans and Maintenance Loans. Your tuition fees are paid directly to your university. Your maintenance loans are paid into your bank account at the start of each term to support living expenses.
If you’ve previously received funding to study at a higher education level, you may not be eligible for further student finance, but you may qualify for a career development loan.
We recommend you apply for your financial support as soon as possible to allow time for your application to be processed.
For more information and to check the full eligibility criteria, visit Student Finance England.
Postgraduate Programmes
You may be eligible to apply for a Postgraduate Loan with Student Finance England to contribute to your course costs.
The amount you can get doesn’t depend on your household income. For more information about postgraduate funding, visit UCAS Student Finance Guide.
To apply for a postgraduate loan, visit the UK Government website for Postgraduate Funding.
If you’d like more information and support on student finances, get in touch with student.support@academyoflivetechnology.co.uk
Course Costs
The costs throughout your degree will vary but to get an idea of what is or isn’t included in your fees, we’ve put together a list below.
Items that may be included:
- Educational visits and compulsory field trips
- Masterclasses from industry professionals
- Equipment and materials
- Learning resources
- Organisation and marking of exams and coursework
- A dedicated student support team
- 24/7 professional counselling service from Health Assured
Items that are not included:
- Accommodation
- Travel costs for field trips
- Personal computer and software
- Personal protective equipment (please note, steel toe capped boots, Hi Vis jackets, gloves and hard hats are compulsory for practical sessions)
- Personal toolkit
- Memberships to sports clubs and/or societies
Bursaries and scholarships
If you’re a home fee-paying student, you might qualify for a bursary. You don’t have to pay this money back unless your circumstances change. This money is paid directly from us and is in addition to government funding. For more information, visit our bursaries and scholarships page.